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Bogie Hearth trolley type car bottom Furnace        




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Bogie Hearth / Car Bottom / Trolley Type Furnace



Bogie Hearth Furnaces suitable for the heat treatment of large loads. Inquire - Now

The Bogie Hearth furnaces are designed to operate up to 1200°C with heating by natural or LP gas, oil combustion systems and electricity.

Key features:

bulletIt is designed for easy loading of materials through the large access door and unloading for rapid quench processes.
bulletThe furnace can be operated with multiple bogies to increase load rate and efficiency.
bulletThe bogie hearth is constructed from high strength refractory and capable of withstanding harsh conditions.
bulletThe heat resistant steel pedestals support work baskets.
bulletSealing of the vertical lift doors and bogie is done by pneumatically operated soft seal clamps to ensure no ingress of cold air.
bulletThe integrated control system includes programmable temperature control and independent over-temperature protection.
bulletTemperature recorders with connections for trailing thermocouples are provided for maintenance of quality records.
bulletProcess Capabilities

* Stress Relieving of cylinders & pressure vessels
* Heat Treatment of forgings & castings
* Homogenising / Ageing
* Annealing of large components
* Heat Treatments with defined heating & cooling rate

Very-efficient for batch heat treatments of large & heavy components with controlled heating & cooling rate. Various sizes & specifications of furnace are available depending upon application, from 20 to 1000 kW or even higher can designed.

* Heavy reinforced structure of rolled structural steel.
* Heavy duty rope & drum or rack & pinion arrangement
* Door & bogie sealing arrangement
* High grade refractory lining ensures higher thermal efficiency.
* Internal air circulation can be provided optionally.
* Rapid cooling arrangement can also be provided.


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